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WDS butt welding machines for construction sites

WIDOS Weld It 315 Teräsversio

WIDOS Weld It 315 butt-welding machines with heating element for the building site and in the trench, steel version.

WIDOS Miniplast IR

WIDOS Miniplast IR infrared welding machines for the touchless welding on the basis of infrared radiation and for the heating element butt welding of plastic pipes and fittings of all kind from OD 20 up to OD 110.

WIDOS Maxiplast

WIDOS Maxiplast is a mobile plastic welding machine for the heating element butt welding of pipes and fittings made out of polyolefines of the dimensions OD 50 - 160.


WIDOS HRG 3-18 light, solid welding machines for the heating element butt welding of pipes and fittings out of PE and PP from OD 200 up to OD 1800. The machines are demountable into light components in no time.

WIDOS CNC 3.0/3.5

WIDOS CNC 3.0/3.5 control unit, absolutely approved in the tough daily operation and convincing by its operator convenience and mature software. The memory permits the recording of more than 30.000 weldings, the data entry is effected via a barcode reading pen. It can be combined with all building site as well as workshop and special welding machines.

WIDOS 6100-24000

WIDOS 6100-24000 welding machines in steel version for the heating element butt welding of pipes and fittings out of PE and PP from OD 315 up to OD 2500, SDR values according to the hydraulic unit. Appropriate for the operation on building sites and in the trench. A lifting device for all models is available in order to easily insert and take out the heating element resp. planer. The welding machines can easily be retrofitted with the SPA weld log recorder and are also available in CNC controlled version.

WIDOS 6100-25000 mobile

WIDOS 6100-24000 Mobile welding machines in steel version for the heating element butt welding of pipes and fittings out of PE and PP from OD 315 up to OD 2500, SDR values according to the hydraulic unit. Appropriate for the operation on building sites and in the trench. A lifting device for all models is available in order to easily insert and take out the heating element resp. planer. The welding machines can easily be retrofitted with the SPA weld log recorder and are also available in CNC controlled version.

WIDOS 5100-6100

WIDOS 5100-6100 welding machines for the heating element butt welding of pipes and fittings out of PE, PP and PVDF from OD 200 up to OD 630, SDR values according to the hydraulic unit. Appropriate for the operation on building sites and in the trench. The welding machines can easily be retrofitted with the SPA weld log recorder and are also available in CNC controlled version.

WIDOS 4400-4900

WIDOS 4400-4900 butt-welding machines with heating element for the building site and in the trench.

WIDOS 4002/4001

WIDOS 4002/4001 manual welding machine for the heating element butt welding of pipes and fittings out of PE, PP and PVDF from OD 90 up to OD 315, extended up to OD 450 by a conversion kit. Also appropriate for the fabrication of T-pieces 45°, 60° and 90° and cross-pieces. The welding machines can easily be retrofitted with the SPA weld log recorder and are also available in CNC controlled version (Only Widos 4002).

WIDOS 2500

WIDOS 2500 welding machine for the heating element butt welding of pipes and fittings out of PE, PP and PVDF from OD 50 up to max. OD 315. Available in version OD 160, OD 250 and OD 315 as well as in a combined version for the butt and socket welding. Appropriate for the operation on building sites and in the workshop. Conversion kits are also available for the fabrication of T-pieces 45°, 60° and 90°. Additionally available in reinforced version (300 daN).


The WIDOS SPA 600 weld log recording device serves to a simple weld logging, can be combined with all welding machines and has an easy user guidance.

WIDOS Miniplast 2

The Miniplast 2 is a plastic welding machine for heating element butt welding of PE, PP and PVDF pipes and fittings from OD 20 to OD 110 mm.